Races & Cultures of Mars

 Mars has been a sci-fi Sandbox for along time right now I am looking at classic Barsoom via what I know from reading Edgar Rice Burroughs writings and The Warriors of Mars.

Martian races are many in ERBs’ writings they break down mostly as described in The Warriors of Mars so let’s see what we have…

The dominant race is the Red Race, described as a result of Martian racial groups mixing as their societies collapsed in the novels. This is would be the default race of PCs. Each Red City state is its’ own subculture as well within the larger Red Culture. This racial group would also represent your default “normal” human abilities on Mars.

Culturally all Red Cities, use the same common spoken language, practice slavery, use the same Code of Battle, mostly the same domestic animals, dress is similar, political structure similar enough to allow each to easily understand each others system, are warrior heavy cultures though other professions exist, similar ramp based architecture, most cities use similar calendars and religious beliefs. Note however there are exceptions that make some city states stand out.

Kantos Kan is a Red Martian character from the novels. I would suggest a new PC group start out as all Red Martians from a specific City State and from there let the adventures begin. These city states even at their worst represent what is left of civilization, knowledge, science, religion, safety, compassion, law and order. 

So what about everyone else on Barsoom (not from non ERB sources).

All right all the other races, let’s break it down. 

The White Race, these are mostly the Holy Thern underground descendants of the ancient race (Orovarions) that inhabited originally the oceans of Mars. They are now found normally in the Valley Dor and South Pole area. It is there ancestors’ ruins that litter the desert region of Barsoom. The Therns are bold and wear wigs as a result of the slow decline of their race and living underground. They are cruel and believe themselves superior to other races. They are cannibals. They do not follow the Code of Battle. They have spread and cultivated the religion of Issus across Mars for their benefit. Murder, rape, theft, sacrifice, slavery and cannibalism await pilgrims to the Valley Dor at the hands of the Thern. Their ancestors do not seem to have been this way at all and the few lost cities of white Martians who are not Thern seem to indicate they were sea faring culture with bow and axe technology not normally seen on Barsoom. Art in the ruins indicates completely different dress than seen in Red Cities, robes being common. Robes are still used by the Thern. The non Thern White City states also exhibit a high level of psionic development. Banths are sacred to the White Race past and present. In addition The White Ape and Tree Men are important to Thern theology.

The Black Race or First Born. Their City States are located in two areas of Mars the “rift” and the southern pole area. They wear clothing similar to the Red Race, use similar weapons and technology, however their technology is actually more advanced concerning fliers. They are probably the main contributors to Red Race’s warrior culture codes, social structure, clothing, technology, weapons of choice, and certain aspects of religion. They are secretive, believed extinct by the Red Race. Like every civilization on Barsoom engage in slavery. They are isolationists, racist, have the most extreme warrior culture and engage in a limited religious ritual cannibalism by their living Goddess Issus. The have some unique dialectical differences as well. They still retain water ship technology including submarine technology. They view themselves as the first civilization, superior and true rulers of Barsoom. It should be noted no one disputes they are the oldest human civilization. They are also physically strong, beautiful and highly intelligent. The Tree of Life is important to First Born Theology.

The Yellow Race is located in the North Pole and has unique weapons, use a small shield, do not have the same Code of Battle, have a unique dress and technology that protects them from arial attack. They are another highly secret group and deadly. Again the Red Race thinks the Yellow Race went extinct. Apparently no one ever normally escapes from either Black or Yellow captivity. They live in massive domed cities, have electro magnetic technology, have a different greeting culture, are the only race to have beards, and have a sort of automobiles even. Like everyone else on Mars they have an economic culture dependent on slavery. This race uses unique weapons such as javelin, and hooked swords.

A war was fought at some time in Barsoomian history between the Black and Yellow races and a chess like game is based on this great conflict which is played by the Red Martians.

I don’t consider this the best image of a Yellow Warrior, as I remember them being dressed for the cold better from the novels. They wear a lot more fur than that.


The Greenmen

The Greenmen are the nomads of Mars. They are the only race that seems to be related directly to the rest of the flora and fauna on Barsoom. Their culture uses the same terminology and language as the Red Men, many of the same customs including Code of Battle are honored, they use all the same weapon technology as Red Men, except no fliers they are a land based culture, they don’t seem to have a writing system, they practice slavery, their culture is based on survival of the fittest, strength and the harsh logic that emotions are a weakness. Despite their war like ways and Darwinian outlook they are a passionate people in their own way. They are extremely talented warriors. They are organized in tribes that when not busy fighting Red Men for territory, plunder are fighting each other. They actively seek out each other’s hatcheries to destroy the unborn. They view genocide of their own tribes as removing genetic weakness from the greater gene pool. They appear to outsiders to be a cold, harsh, cruel race, this is of course not their whole real personalities. Unfortunately their cultural is demanding and harsh. Breeding and child raising is even culturally decided. Eggs that do not hatch on time are destroyed as the horde dare not wait to long in anyone place or be attacked. Of course the practice slavery but often for combat training, games, and pragmatic purposes. It should be noted an outsider can become a warrior and tribal member even a human as long as they do so within tribal customs. 

Physically they can see better, have four arms to better attack with, got tusks to gore humans with, are strong… seriously they have a lot of reasons to see themselves as the masters of Barsoom.

From a literary perspective they both represent a unique alien culture compared to humans, but also humanity when it is stripped of love or compassion and replaced with a sort of pragmatic collective survivalism. The tribe is still a source of safety, law and order. The Green Men are not forces of Chaos at all. There laws are even more restrictive in many ways then the settlements of Red Men. 

Concerning babies… all Martians including humans lay eggs that are incubated and are born able to walk. Eggs can be stored (at least for the Green Men) in the right temperature till the tribe is ready to start incubating them. Once incubation starts the eggs actually grow for both humans and Greenmen. I have not read of humans putting their eggs into storage and may not be able to do that or do not due to high mortality rates. It is also possible they lay less eggs in general.

Earth Humans and Earth Human Hybrids

Earth Humans are like Superheroes on Barsoom. They jump farther, run faster, don’t fatigue the same, a punch can kill a Greenman. Earth humans can make children with Barsoom women. The children will not be as strong as their Earth parent but nonetheless superior in abilities to Barsoomians. 

How long does everyone live. It looks like a long time at least 1000 years is possible if not longer but since people get killed often this seems rare. How long for Earthers? Well our example Earth man seems immortal and can’t remember his childhood, there is some argument he might be immortal. This is where the deep dive into ERB writings generally happen. So here is my suggestion leave Earth Humans out at least till you decide to deal with them. Have Martians explore your Mars. When you do introduce Earthlings do so carefully and with some thought on not letting loose Super Man on an inspecting planet, the Martians need ways to curb tail Super Man basically. As to the deep dive there is evidence of Mars on Earth in some of ERB other stories. Also read other authors from the pulp sci fi sword and planet genres for additional ideas about Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and so on cultures… 

I hope you all found this interesting 🧐 
