It’s Your World


Okay this a reminder when playing any setting or game ultimately it’s your world. Even a premade setting will be changed by you and your players and that is 100% expected! It’s okay!

So since I am in a dying planet sort of mood let’s talk options. First is taking a basic setting like the one created by ERB and adventuring in that, sticking as close to it as possible the second choice is to create your own world as you go based on genre. Dark Sun is the D&D example for instance of the dying planet a setting that is D&D yet very Barsoom. There are actually lots of examples out there of Barsoom like worlds… even Star Wars Tatooine is a sort of Barsoom world. There are a lot of Desert Worlds and World settings to draw upon. Even Dune with it hidden unique culture and invader noble houses can be used to add to your setting in new ways.

Create unique settings or adventure in or existing worlds of imagination just know if you ever want to publish for profit ideas you will need to change things enough not to anger the copyright gods. 

Go forth into the desert, explore the ruins, look for fabled cities of long lost civilizations, fight oppression, discover new allies for your people, find new sources of resources or trade routes, and rescue the princess. Become the War Lord. Save the planet from disaster… comet, atmosphere plants stopping, river drying up, alien invasion, ancient weapons reactivated… travel to the moons, travel to other worlds… with your sword in hand! Hail the hero!


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