Counter Spells In Chainmail and Saving Throws For Magic Users


I mentioned in my previous post that Chainmail magic-users have the automatic ability to attempt to counter spells being cast. Keep in mind Wizard along with several other titles is used as a term for all magic-users in the Rules despite 5 distinct levels of magic-users being mentioned as well. One has to read the rules carefully to determine if the rules mean a generic usage of Wizard, Magician and so on for a Magic-User or if the rules are being specific. Context is everything in this case. 

If there are two or more opposing Wizards, and the battle is not a recreation of a battle found in a novel, determine which is the stronger magician (by casting dice if necessary). The stronger magician can successfully cast a counter-spell with a two dice score of 7 or better, while a weaker magician needs a scorer of 8, 9, 10, or 11, depending on his relative strength. A counter spell fully occupies a magician’s power. 

When I checked D&D titles and levels to the Fighting Capability in D&D Rules for Chainmail I noticed the 10th Level Necromancer fights as a Wizard. Thus I now think 10th Level maybe where the most chance of success starts for the counter-spell ability using 2d6. As a result I have have listed that next to the Wizard.

Now if we assume no roll off had to occur (in which case you treat one or more of the equally leveled magic-users as a level lower based on the dice scores) we can order the numbers showing the Chainmail/D&D terms and levels that this counter-spell ability covers with the 2d6 probabilities of obtaining those numbers. Looking at the system a 1st level Medium would need to roll a 12 which is a 2.78% chance.

Seer 2nd,  11, players probability of rolling a 11 is 5.56% and of course they also counter with a 12 at 2.78%. =  8.34% chance to prevent a spell. 

Magician 6th,  10, at this level players improve their probability with 10 coming up 8.33%, thus creating a 16.67% chance potential.

Warlock 8th,  9, the probability of this number is 11.11% creating a 27.78% chance for success.

Sorcerer 9th,  8, which comes up 13.89% improving success to 41.67% chance of countering.

Wizard 11th (Necromancer 10th), 7, is rolled 16.67% of the time making the Wizard able to counter 58.34% of the time. 

I can imagine three or four equally leveled magic-users all fighting each other, the players and DM on behalf of the NPCs all rolling to discover in what order to rank their power. 

Saving Throws For Wizards

Wizards are impervious to normal missile fire but if they are struck by a missile fire of an enemy Wizard  they must score 7 or better two to survive. (Adjust all scores by the lesser value of weaker magic users.) This is a 2d6 roll specifically against magical missiles (Fire Ball and Lightning Bolt) and follows the exact same pattern as the counter-spell ability.  

But that is not their only Saving Throw they also are able to Save against Dragon Breath using the same sliding scale with Wizards needing a 7 or better. 

In addition they Save against being turned to Stone by Basilisks with a 2d6 roll of 6 or better.

                     Magic Missiles        Stone      Dragon Breath     Counter Spell

Seer              11 (8.34%)           10 (16.67%)     11  ( 8.34%)          11 (8.34%)

Magician      10  ( 16.67%)             9 (27.78%) 10   (16.67%)      10 (16.67%)

Warlock         9 ( 27.78 %)            8(41.67%)     9 ( 27.78%)          9 (27.78%)

Sorcerer         8    (41.67%)           7  (58.34%)  8   (41.67%)           8 (41.67%)

Wizard           7   (58.34%)            6  (72. 23%)  7   (58.34%)           7 (58.34%)

Now for comparison original D&D does have Saving Throws for Magic-Users that can be used as well, those use a d20. 

Magic User Level  Death Ray/Poison   All Wands   Stone   Dragon Breath   Staves/Spells 

1-5                                13 (40%)             14 (35%)  13 (40%)      16 (25%)         15 (30%)

6-10                               11(50%)              12(45%)   11 (50%)     14  (35%)         12 (45%)

11-15                              8  (65%)              9 (60%)     8 (65%)     11 (50%)            8 (65%)

16+                                 5  (75%)               6  (70%)   5 (75%)      8 (65%)             3 (85%)

If you really wanted to allow counter-spell but use the d20 instead you could just use the Saving Throws for Spells or if you want it closer to the original stats and harder to do then the following numbers I have come up with might work... technically it could be argued that the regular Spell Saving Throw Numbers will work fine but the Saving Throw is not really an attempt to counter but dodge the effect successfully by potential victims. A successful counter-spell would stop the Spell from effecting everyone thus negating the individual saves. This could be a big party saving ability. Magic Missile (Lightning Bolt, Fire Ball and Magic Missile) Saves  should just use the regular Spell Saving Throw in my opinion. 

1-5            19 (10%)

6-10          15 (30%)

11-15         9 (60%)

16+            6 (70%)

Happy Gaming... 


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