Into The Void Hyper-Space : Star Probe

 The Ship Parameters Table lists the hyper-space jump distance a ship can move in the number hexes on the Star Map. If your ship can jump 4 then it can move up to 4 hexes each 5 light years, so 20 light years. It costs 1 fuel slug to make one jump. 

A jump consists of moving from point A to point B. To determine how far it is from one point to the other, first find the number of hexes they are apart on the map and then the number of levels between them. Thus if your going to move from a Star at level 0 to a star that is 3 hexes away and +5, then the destination Star is 3 hexes and the level distance is 5 hexes. Once this is done you can now calculate the distance. The formula is the greater numerical value plus half the lesser value. In the example it would be 5+1 1/2  = 6 1/2 hexes. To make this example’s jump your ship in 1 month must be able to go that distance. If your ship can move 4 then it will take 2 months.


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