Blasters from Tale of the Comet, Sci Fi in D&D

It’s been a bit since I posted Sci Fi stuff. I pointed out in another blog Star Empires away teams to Blackmoor’s and Greyhawk’s shared world before they became different settings indicated the aliens had to be using D&D stats and mechanics. Aliens and spaceships ended up in the setting, including alien flora and fauna, strange technology considered magical by locals, androids and more. This latter supplement Tale of the Comet is an example of how alien Sci Fi can be mixed with Fantasy D&D, it also provides an example for using D&D mechanics for a Sci Fi game. From the very beginnings of D&D’s available rules aliens are mentioned as potential monsters PCs could experience in the game. The original wandering monster chart for the desert has a list of Martian lifeforms. Articles were written showing how super tech would be interpreted as magic by less advanced cultures such as occurs in D&D. 

The Rael Blaster

It generates a high intensity beam of energy that shred the molecules fabric of any material they come into contact with. All blasters use a common ammunition power clip that can hold 20 charges. It takes one round to replace a clip. These weapons are an unparalleled destructive force in a D&D setting.


Range 30/60/90

Rate of Fire 2

Speed Factor 2 (see 2E Rules)

Standard issue for Rael officers, good second weapon in a fire fight. It consumes 1 charge per shot.


Range 50/100/200

Rate of Fire 1

Speed Factor 7

Damage 6d6

Weapon of choice for Rael soldiers, is their most common weapon. It consumes 2 charges per shot.


Range 80/150/250

Rate of Fire 1 or 5

Speed Factor 6

Damage 8d6 or 12d6

This is not a personal weapon, but a turret mounted vehicle weapon.It has two modes of operation single fire and rapid fire. In single shot mode one attack is rolled each round with no adjustments. Rapid mode allows the attacker to fire off five rounds in quick succession (4 in the case of the heavy Cannon). The attack suffers a -6 pe talk ty to the attack roll. The light cannon uses 4 charges each round and the heavy Cannon use 5 charges each time per round.

The Rael are an alien space faring race in D&D, Tale of the Comet. This supplement was published for use with 2E. However the only thing I would change is drop the Speed Factor. I would describe these weapons in terms people from the Dark Ages would understand... Wand for the Pistol, Staff for the Rifle... for example. 

Happy Gaming


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