The Bone Gun

The bone gun is a gun created completely out of genetic material, this makes it undetectable to scans. This gun is made of bone so can be in theory constructed from the bones from the refuse bin behind a shady restaurant or stolen from graveyards or the bones of ones enemies or ancestors. The ammo for this gun is human teeth (graveyard robbing, cloned teeth, Assassins might kill their marks and remove their teeth people of course people could also be murdered for teeth... as referee of your setting you could have different sort of teeth doing unique special damage, lycanthrope teeth could cause a percentage chance of that disease to be caused to survivors, undead teeth could slowly turn a victim into the undead, or elves shot with orc teeth might mutate into orcs for example). The gun adds a nice touch of horror to any setting. Necromancers, Vampires, or Assassins in a RPG setting of any tech level would enjoy using such a gun. 

So what sort of stats are we looking at? The gun is a close range assassin’s weapon so a small revolver or small simple pistol type weapon. Naturally as the referee of your game you could have rifles and guns of various designs. The ammo could be poisonous or possess magic curses as well. 

Suggested Stats for D&D and optional D&D damage/AD&D damage

Simple Pistol Design
Damage 1d6 or 1d4

Small Revolver 
Damage 2d6 or 2d8

Medium Revolver 
Damage 3d6 or 2d10

Ranges, reloading time, type of gun and such should be in keeping with your settings. If you are using a d100/d10 system make adjustments. The creation of these weapons should also be in keeping with your RPG’s setting... ancient evil, crazy artisans, mad scientists, Assassin Guilds, Evil Magic Users, and criminal biotech engineers are a few ideas.

The idea for this gun comes from the movie Exitenz.


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