Flame Thrower

 More fun weapons for D&D.... I suggest calling it  “Dragon’s Breathe” in a Fantasy Setting. However if your zipping around the universe in those old Star Empire ships well Flame Thrower it is.

The Rael Flame Thrower

Both versions use a special set of fuel tanks that provide 20 charges worth of fuel, and each round of flaming attack uses 1 charge. It takes 4 rounds to replace the empty fuel tanks with full ones.

Personal Flame Thrower

Range 10/20/30 or 10

Rate of Fire 1

Damage 2d6 + special

Speed Factor 6 (2E Rules)

There are two ways to use this weapon: long stream or wide fan. If the stream setting is used the normal ranges apply and only one target can be attacked each round. The fan setting is short range and all damage is halted, however it’s area of effect is an arc 120 degrees in front of the attacker, similar to the Wizard’s burning hands spell.

Any victim that is successful hit is covered with a flammable fuel and continues to burn for two more rounds after initial rounds, unless steps are taken to douse the flames. The victim suffers 2d6 points of damage the first round and then 1d6 points of damage the second and third rounds.

Vehicular Flame Thrower

Range 20/30/40 or 20

Rate of Fire 1

Speed Factor 8

Damage 4d6 + special

The vehicular flame thrower must be mounted on a vehicle but functions much the same way as the personal flame thrower. Victims of the vehicular flame thrower on stream setting suffer 4d6 points of damage the first round, then 2d6 points of damage the second and third round. The fan setting again is a 120 degree arc, halving the damage accessed to 2d6 points of damage the first round, and 1d6 points of damage for round two and three.

Suddenly running a D&D game based on the movie The Thing is completely doable... 

Keep on gaming...


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