Star Probe Personnel... What Every Captain (Emperor To Be) Needs To Know ... Book Keeping

 At some point in the exploration of space your crew will meet hostilities the following is to help you understand the crew, it uses, and their cost. You need to know their attack and defend stats.

Any teams or groups below may be assigned to protect other units, if they have men in them, except that a First In Team will not accept help from the marines. Teams, groups etc should be kept track of on a Personnel and Equipment Chart. If you have the item make a diagonal mark from lower left to upper right corner. When the item is expended draw another diagonal from upper left to lower right creating a cross. 

Keep track of every 100 Naval Personnel, each Contact, Scientific and First In Team, as well as each Marine group, Fuel Slug, Missile Salvo, and each month of supply. Also record the Negotiation Modes by placing their number in the boxes, when a NM is used cross it out.

A small point here part of this game is finances as you are suppose to be zipping around the galaxy creating trade and finding resources thus making money. Book keeping is an aspect of this game. Therefore the game punishes or rewards the imaginary pocket book.

 Item.                   Ground Attack  Defense.   Salary/Year  Megarons Penalized If Killed  Crew Strength               

Naval Personnel.              5.               5.                  .5 M                         4 M.                             100

Contact Team.                  5.                0.                  2 M.                        5 M.                             100

Scientific Team.                5.                5.                  2 M.                       5 M.                              100

Marine Group.                 20.               15.                 .5 M.                     10 M.                             50

First In Team.                   40               30.                  7 M.                      22M.                             250. 

Repair Crew.                    10.              20.                  5 M.                       12 M.                           100

Supplies. *                          —-              —-                 2 M per years worth

Negotiation Modes.*         —-              —-                  .5 M per NM

5 Missile Salvos *            50.                —-                  1 M

Hyper-Space Slugs *        —-               —-                   1 M

* The amounts listed for the 4 items are for buying them. If you do not use them you do not need to rebuy the for next time out unlike personnel and supplies.

Next Space Probe Post The Hyper-Space Jump...


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