Grenades for D&D from Tales of The Comet D&D Box Supplement

 Grenades for D&D from Tales of The Comet D&D Box Supplement.

The following information is Real Alien Weapons for use in D&D.

Grenades come in three varieties: high explosivc smoke, and stun. All can be thrown by hand or fired from a grenade launcher. Slings can also be easily modified to throw grenades, with a range of 20/40/60. Grenades explode one combat round after they are thrown or launched. 

High Explosive

Range: 10/20/30 

Damage: 6d6 

Rate of Fire: 1 

Speed Factor: 4

High explosive grenades generate a power detonation similar in effect to a fireball spell. Anyone within 20 feet of the grenade when it explodes suffers damage; a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces damage by half.


Range: 10/20/30 

Damage: Nil

Rate of Fire: 1 

Speed Factor: 4 

Smoke grenades are used to screen characters from enemy troops, vehicles, and weapon emplacements. If you decide to add laser weaponry for your campaign, note that smoke provides excellent cover from such weapons. The grenade discharges a smoke screen in a 30-foot- diameter area of effect that obscures all vision beyond two feet. The smoke dissipates in 2d4+4 rounds.


Range: 10/20/30 

Damage: ld4 +stun 

Rate of Fire: 1 

Speed Factor: 4 

Stun grenades create a concussive blast that disorient all creatures in a 20-foot radius of the detonation who fail saving throws vs. paralyzation. Those creatures are stunned, feeling dizzy and confused, for ld4+1 rounds. They are unable to take any effective action during that time.

Gernade Launcher

Range: 30/60/90 

Damage: N/A

Rate of Fire: 3

 Speed Factor: 2

The grenade launcher can fire grenades of all three types further and more accurately than they can be thrown by hand. The grenade launcher can hold up to nine grenades in a rotating cylinder. Reloading a cylinder takes three rounds, but exchanging an empty cylinder for a full one takes but a single round.

Note Speed Factor is a 2nd Edition rule see 2nd Edition rules for more information.


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