Star Probe: Space Hazards and Ship Malfunctions

 Space Hazards and Ship Malfunctions


Everytime you make a hyper-space jump you must determine if it is done safely. The table below shows what numbers based on 1-100 (RM3) will result in either a malfunction or encountering one of the natural hazards of space. There is an 8% chance of malfunction, and a 6% chance of encountering a space hazard if you have a crew of 1,000. Determine the result before each jump. Note the probabilities for malfunction increase, and the numbers shown are cumulative, as the number of crew decreases, so if only 200 crew were aboard the chance for malfunction would be 1-48! 


No. Of Naval                   Die Roll                               Distance   Direction     Drive                Repair Time  Personnel.        200.     400.     600.    800.    1000                                           Break Down   No. Of  Months          

                       39, 47.   36.      19, 27    16.          1.            5.               O.           Yes.                 2 months

                       40, 48.    35.      20, 28.   15.         2.            2.               R.            No.                      ——

                        41.          34.     21.          14.         3.           2.               L.             No                     ——-

                       42.           33.     22.          13.        4.           -3.               S.             No.                    ———

                       43.          32.      23.           12.       5.           3.                 S.            No.                     ———

                       44.           31.      24.          11.         6.         4.                L.             Yes.                    2 months

                       45.         30, 38   25.      10, 18        7.         2                 R.             Yes.                    1 month

                       46.         29, 37.  26.        9, 12.       8.         5.                O.             No.                    ———



1) Distance refers to the number of hexes that would be added or subtracted to your original jump distance. If you were going to go three hexes but rolled a 1, then you would go 3 plus 5 or 8 hexes.

2) Direction referees to the final direction of travel by your ships. “S” means go in the direction that you had planned. “O” means that you go directly opposite to the planned course. “R” and “L” mean that you will go on a course that is 90 degrees to the right or the left of your planned course. Using the example above you would travel 8 hexes in the opposite direction from the one that you had planned. The distance starts from where you start your jump, not the planned end point.

Robert T. McCall

 (American, 1919–2010 

The Black Hole, preliminary illustration

 , 1979

3) If you drive breaks down then you must remain stationary for the time listed in order to repair it.  You may not explore any system until it is repaired.


4) If your new course puts you in a hex that has a Star at the same level as your ship, there is a 33% chance that you will be in the system. If the new course sends you out of your Empire’s sphere of influence, stop at the edge. Do not leave the playing surface.



Die Roll                                 Hazard.                                            Megarons Of.                           Time Lost.    ——.                                                                                                  Damage.                                In Months.  95.                                  Hydrogen Clouds.                                           3.                                            0.         96.                                  Space Debris.                                                   5.                                           0.         97.                                  Radiation Storms.                                            7.                                            1.         98.                                  Black Star.                                                       11.                                           1.           99.                                  Cosmic Storm.                                                 13.                                          2.            100.                                Hyper-Space Distortion.                                  17.                                          3.            

Cosmic Storm

Radiation Storm

Black Star not the same as a Black Hole

Hyper-Space Distortion

Space Debris

Hydrogen Cloud


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