The Continuing Adventures from Smurfs to Gnomic Pantheon...

I have 3 of the original 5 gods of the gnomes curing.

Garl Glittergold before painting.

Flandal Steelskin

Baervan Wildwanderer 

Tomorrow I will start Segojan Earthcaller. The gnome village props are coming along I think nicely. I need to blow the dust off an old Gnome PC of mine and turn her into an NPC old school D&D style. She was a hoot to play... she is in a folder in the bookshelf, I will need to look at the original illusionist and scant info on the early ideas about gnomes. As I remember it she has a low Wisdom, so every idea seemed like a good one to her.. I failed my Wisdom checks a lot. About 50% of the time the party suffered some hilarious but potentially dangerous situation because of my gnome and the other half of the time the hilarious magic or ideas saved everyone... or saved them but then immediately endangered them anew. “I have an idea!” or “This will be funny!” became words to fear by even the mightiest warrior in our motley crew. 


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